Under the auspices of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Utah, Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Companion Bill Butterfield, constituted Keystone Mark Master’s Lodge No. 0, and installed the charter officers, for the purposes of advancing Mark Master Masonry, and the York Rite. All Master Masons of Symbolic Lodges hailing from, or in amity with, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Utah, are welcome to petition to receive the Mark Master’s Degree. All those who received their Mark Master Degree, from Utah Chapter No. 1 of Royal Arch Masons, or are Royal Arch Masons, are welcome to affiliate. Charter Membership petitions must be received by June 18, 2010.

The Constitutional and Installation address and charge were given by Companion Glen Cook, of Utah and UK Royal Arch Chapters, extolling the lessons of the Mark Master Mason degree, at the start of this new journey. Aprons and Jewels were graciously donated by Mark Master Masons from the United Kingdom (for which we humbly thank you – it was a generous donation).

Those interested take due notice, and govern yourself accordingly. For more information, please feel free to contact me at jmitchell@arslatomorum.com.